Friday, December 28, 2018

How Do I Help a Loved One with Painkiller Addiction?

When a loved one struggles with addiction to painkillers, it is hard to watch them slowly disintegrate and fall apart. There may be anxiety and fear along with anger and sadness about just wishing they could become sober and clean. Perhaps they are defensive about not needing help with addiction right now. Painkiller addiction is painful but it is also difficult for those who love a person struggling with addiction.

Why People Resist

Part of the resistance comes from understanding that the person may consider themselves to be dependent on painkillers. They may not agree that addiction is a problem. Not everyone who takes painkillers will develop an addiction. Dependence, on the other hand, occurs when the body comes to rely on a substance to function. Regardless of which is happening to a friend or loved one, dependence may still progress to addiction.

Ways to Help

There are helpful ways to support a loved one struggling with addiction. No matter how they are struggling, there are some tools to keep in mind that may be helpful.

  • Show concern for person’s well-being without being judgmental. Displaying an open willingness to help a loved one without trying to dictate the course of action.
  • Show empathy and compassion as any person might for someone suffering. Telling a person what to do is often not as effective as showing them you are on their team.
  • Create a structured, stable environment. Establish basic expectations of behavior along with simple routines to help reduce stress and limit chaos.
  • Seek out an assessment with a licensed addiction treatment specialist. A professional and impartial evaluation can usually determine if a loved one is suffering from opioid addiction.
  • Be aware of risk of overdose. Ask loved one’s doctor whether a prescription for naloxone, a medication used to counter effects of opioid overdose.
If the loved one is in treatment, the best way to help them is:
  • Regular communication with treatment staff which enables you to stay updated on progress of treatment as well as contribute to planning and help with arrangements when discharged.
  • As the loved one prepares to leave rehab, make sure the next steps are written out clearly which will help plan post rehab journey.

Newly Sober Help

If a person is in early recovery, the most useful first step is to determine what form of support the person needs. Family members can help give support by:

  • Encouraging the person to continue with treatment, including medication and counseling.
  • Understand the risk of overdose and keep drugs and alcohol away from the person as much as possible in the home (including opioids and alcohol).

Whatever your journey through addiction, we want to help you take steps to recovery well. From detox to rehab, we will help you find what you need. Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


Give Yourself a Break (No, Really): Here’s Why

Whenever people are experiencing a setback or challenge, it helps to take a step back and figure out what is happening to get better perspective. When you are right in the middle of something, perhaps a difficult situation at work, dealing with triggers in recovery, or some other issues, it is hard to gain proper perspective. The best way to navigate this is to give yourself a break and try to get some distance from the situation. Learn how you can cultivate this in your daily life for more inner peace and tranquility when storms come your way.

A Growth Mindset

Most people want to improve. Self-compassion is crucial for the success of personal development. Personal growth is usually associated with determination, persistence, and hard work. This also starts with reflection and self-compassion. When people treat themselves with compassion, they are better able to arrive at realistic self-appraisals and develop a proper foundation for improvement. They are also motivated to work on weaknesses rather than think about why they should continue doing what they’re doing.

True to Oneself

Self-compassion has benefits for individuals who seek to grow more aligned with their true self. Living in accordance to one’s true self (“authenticity”) results in increased motivation and drive. Unfortunately, authenticity remains elusive for so many people because they don’t want to do the hard inner work necessary. Perhaps they feel stuck where they have to suppress their true self at work or at home, or maybe they have doubts and fears around being judged by others. This will not help. Take a break and step back from self-critical thoughts and behaviors. This will only lead to triggers, which can lead to relapse, down the road. Work hard to stay focused on what you need to do to stay true to yourself, your recovery, and your own healing journey.

Take Ownership

A self-compassionate mindset produces benefits that spread to others as well. This happens in work and a person’s personal life when they take ownership of their mindset. Learning to take a break from the daily barrage of negativity that you encounter everywhere from social media to relationships to your own mind is important. Taking ownership may look like:

  • Seeking further support for mental health issues
  • Going to more recovery groups
  • Going away to have a retreat and practice solitude
  • Going on vacation with friends, family, or loved ones
  • Seeking accountability for challenges in your recovery walk

You foster self-compassion by learning to be kind to yourself. You acknowledge shortcomings and failure as experiences everyone has but what you experience is unique to you. Give yourself a break when it comes to past failures. Everyone makes mistakes and messes up. You can still grow and become a better person with the determination to make it happen by cutting yourself some slack along the journey.

Serenity is a safe, secure place to experience detox and rehab in a comforting setting. We provide space in a nonjudgmental setting where you can recover and heal from detox to recovery and beyond. We believe in providing the best care for individuals in recovery, supporting their long term goals, and helping them navigate detox so they can be more successful in recovery. We do not judge you for your past, present, or where you go in the future. If you want help, call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


Thursday, December 27, 2018

How Do I Cope with Change in Addiction Recovery?

Change is defined differently by different people. It may be defined as the act of making or becoming different. Those are small words for an often series of tumultuous acts. Change can be sudden and unexpected. No matter how much we plan for change, it can throw people for a loop. Anxiety and fear can take over. Change is strange but it can be dealt with in recovery.

Change is Strange

Getting people to change long standing habits of behavior is difficult. Probably one of the most challenging things to do. Change is strange, and it is hard. Attachment is one way in which people find it difficult to change. They become attached to one way or notion of doing things and find the experience to be bittersweet. They learn lots of new things and find saying goodbye hard.

Getting Through Change

Working through changes in life is one of the hardest but most rewarding things to do. Especially in recovery, it is about finally saying enough is enough and finding tools for recovery that support making positive changes, little by little, one step at a time in all areas of life. This includes:

  • Building empathy
  • Establishing new routines
  • Exercise
  • Meetings
  • Nutrition and diet
  • Peer support

The best way to combat change head on is to do something different. It takes 60-90 days to make a change and it only starts when you begin with one step. When trying to adjust, adapt, or learn so many things, the neurons fire and new attachments are made. It helps to find ways of addressing change that focus on the positive. Through this, wisdom is gained that can help others along the journey.

Let us help you recover from addiction and seek the resources you need to keep you clean and sober. Whether it’s detox, recovery or something else, we will help you find what you need. Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


What Body Bruising Tells You About Your Overall Health (and How to Change It)

If you have ever woken up one morning and seen new bruises that you did not know how they got there, you are not alone. In sobriety, it is unlikely to be from a less-than-memorable event the night before. Easy bruising is a common complaint for people which might just signal to you how your overall health is doing at this moment.

What Bruises Mean

There are many reasons you may be bruising more easily than other people you know. A bruise is a collection of blood beneath the skin, which is what gives a visible, purple hue. It is a result of blood leaking from the surrounding vessels, which fades as the body reabsorbs the blood. Bruises rarely appear randomly. Everyone experiences a small degree of minor injuries every day that can show up in healthy people as bruises. Potential causes for concern can include getting give or more bruises larger than 1 cm in diameter with unknown trauma, experiencing nose or gum bleeding, or abnormal tests suggesting a bleeding disorder. Not all bruises are causes for concern, but if it happens more frequently it may be a sign of other things going on in the body.

Root Causes

Knowing the root causes of bruises can be helpful when looking at overall health and wellness. There may be many things causing the issue, but it is likely to show up in the following:

  • Vitamin C deficiency. Humans cannot manufacture large amounts of vitamin C on their own. Signs of deficiency include easy bruising, low iron levels, and bleeding gums. It helps to pay attention to foods you eat. Start including more pineapple, cantaloupe, raspberries, and papaya in your diet.
  • Medication. Some supplements and medicines like NSAIDS, blood thinners, or steroids can increase the likelihood of bruising and bleeding since they interfere with blood’s ability to clot.
  • Skin damage. Part of the job of skin and tissues is to maintain integrity of the blood vessels. Anything that harms the skin, like smoking or sun exposure, can make tissue more frail.
  • Aging. As a person gets older, the skin becomes more thin and loses some of its protective layers. There is no way to reverse the process of aging, but you can help your body by eating healthier foods, exfoliating the skin, moisturizing, and wearing sunblock.

Healing Bruises

To heal a bruise, it mostly just takes time. For most bruising, it is preventative steps that will help. Maintain good lighting to see, keep stairs and walkways uncluttered to avoid falls or slips, and check in with a doctor if you are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or not as adept on your feet which may cause loss of balance and falls.

Serenity is a safe, secure place to experience detox and rehab in a comforting setting. We provide space in a nonjudgmental setting where you can recover and heal from detox to recovery and beyond. We believe in providing the best care for individuals in recovery, supporting their long term goals, and helping them navigate detox so they can be more successful in recovery. We do not judge you for your past, present, or where you go in the future. If you want help, call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Is Spice Detox Dangerous?

Spice is the name for a synthetic designer drug that is intended to mimic THC, the main active ingredient of marijuana. This is typically a mix of herbs and manmade chemicals with mind-altering effects. These chemicals are called cannabinoids because they are similar to chemicals found in a marijuana plant. Spice is not safe and may impact the brain. Find out more about why it is labeled ‘not fit for human consumption.’

How Spice is Made

Synthetic cannabinoids are part of a group of drugs called ‘new psychoactive substances.’ they are unregulated mind-altering substances that have become newly available on the market and are intended to produce the same effects as illegal drugs. Some substances may have been around for years that have reentered the market in altered form. Once synthesized, synthetic cannabinoids are dissolved in ethanol or acetone and sprayed on plant material, then sold in packets as incense, herbal blends, or potpourri.

What Happens to the Brain

There are few studies on the effects of synthetic cannabinoids on the human brain. Because the chemical composition of many synthetic cannabinoid products is unknown and may change with each batch, these products may contain substances that cause varying effects on people who use it. The mental health consequences may be severe enough to cause extreme depression.


A person’s body adjusts to Spice over time. In fact, it can become physically dependent on it. Detox is similar to symptoms experienced during cannabis withdrawal, including lack of appetite and sleep disruptions. People who have used synthetic cannabinoids for long periods of time and stop may experience withdrawal, including:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Severe anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Trouble sleeping
The severity of symptoms of withdrawal depend on the person, but if the drug is stopped, it may lead to:
  • Cravings
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting


The amount of time it takes to detox from Spice varies with each person. The time between synthetic cannabinoid use, onset of symptoms, and time to recover depends on several factors. Symptoms may not begin for 1-3 days after last use when smoking real marijuana while synthetic marijuana withdrawal symptoms may begin just 15 minutes following last use. Dangers can be challenging to work around as they can be unpredictable but it is safer to detox in the presence of medical professionals in a facility who can monitor withdrawal and support recovery than do it alone.

Don’t struggle alone with addiction. Our team of professionals are ready to support your recovery from Spice or other drugs and alcohol. Come experience detox and recovery in a safe, welcoming space with others ready to support your journey. Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


Learn How to Bring Your Best Self to Any Relationship

Entering into relationships require a lot from us. When we bring our best selves, a positive outcome is always expected. For many reasons, people can hide or pull back from putting their best self forward because they have worries, fears, or anxieties about how they may be perceived. Who we choose to surround ourselves with ultimately has a larger impact on overall health (and recovery) than we realize. Learn some tips for how to bring your best self to any relationship.

First Love

There are many songs about love out there, but very few talk about loving oneself. The idea seems almost conceited, that you should love yourself first before you can love others. However, this adage proves itself out time and again. Nobody can make you love yourself and nobody should try. You should have received love and kindness growing up in your family of origin, but many people feel they lack the love they desire when they get older, regardless of how they were raised. Respect those around you by first learning to love yourself, faults and all, and see what happens as a result.

Know What You Want

Knowing what you want out of a relationship is crucial. If it is a business relationship, there is likely already a clear objective laid out before you. If it is romantic, knowing what you want out of both a partner and relationship as a whole matters. When you and the other person involved are able to get on the same page, the relationship can progress and everyone will enjoy it more deeply. If you don’t know what you want, you’ll keep looking within yourself until you find it, but it may be a challenge.

Be Honest

The biggest thing in any relationship is honesty. You have to be honest if you are going to have relationships that are meaningful. When you are honest with yourself, you can be honest with others about what you want and don’t want to have happen in relationships. Putting your best foot forward means honoring how you feel and also honoring how others feel and learning that being your best self does not mean being like everyone else. It means learning to navigate relationships in a way that builds opportunities for connection through integrity and being honest about who you are and what you want.

Serenity is a safe, secure place to experience detox and rehab in a comforting setting. We provide space in a nonjudgmental setting where you can recover and heal from detox to recovery and beyond. We believe in providing the best care for individuals in recovery, supporting their long term goals, and helping them navigate detox so they can be more successful in recovery. We do not judge you for your past, present, or where you go in the future. If you want help, call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

What Do Low Dopamine Levels Have to Do with Depression in Recovery?

Addiction is complex, affecting the body, mind, and spirit. People who suffer from addiction find it may be helpful to understand how the brain works in addiction. Low dopamine levels, especially, can play a role in how people experience depression in recovery.

Dopamine as Brain Chemical

Dopamine’s role in addiction and recovery is not completely understood. What scientists and doctors do understand is that the brain chemical influences mood, motivation, and behavior. Most, if not all, addictive substances interact with increasing the feeling of pleasure associated with substance use. Naturally boosting dopamine function can be one way to increase its effects in a positive way.

How Dopamine Works

Dopamine is manufactured inside the brain from the amino acid tyrosine, among others. Once dopamine is released, specialized areas called dopamine receptors eagerly slurp up dopamine floating in the brain. Eating, drinking, and other pleasurable activities can stimulate the release of dopamine.

Shortage of Receptors

Individuals with low dopamine function seek ways to increase the amount of dopamine by stimulating their pleasure centers. They may self-medicate by smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or engaging in compulsive behaviors like gambling or shopping compulsively. Addiction is a way to numb or normalize feelings. There are myriad issues in the body and brain which can lead to depression in recovery. There may be a genetic component as well as environmental factors. Alcoholism and drug abuse can run in families and addiction can alter brain chemistry substantially.

Increasing Dopamine

Dopamine is naturally in the brain but it cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. This means if a person is not producing enough dopamine, they cannot take a dopamine pill or get an injection to increase circulating amounts. Naturally increasing the dopamine levels requires getting the amount absorbed into the system by increasing  how many dopamine receptors are there. Natural ways to increase dopamine may include:

  • Avoid sugar
  • Eat foods rich in Tyrosine. Foods rich in this includes bananas, yoghurt, watermelon, cherries, and meats
  • Reduce intake of caffeine, which may temporarily decrease dopamine in the brain
  • Holistic nutrition and therapy can also be helpful

If you struggle with addiction and depression in recovery, there are ways to seek support. Don’t feel you have to suffer in silence and not be able to speak up about the challenges you face in recovery. It is better to face them with community rather than face them alone.

When you feel like you need a safe place to come and experience recovery, Serenity is here. We provide medical staff who can support a transition from addiction to detox and beyond. Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401
